Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market
In the 1990’s a rezoning led to the eventual redevelopment of parcels along Sixth Avenue where The Annex Antique Fair & Flea Market had been operating for years. Realizing the market would be displaced by the zoning change, The Annex Antique Fair & Flea Market engaged Capalino to assist it in finding a new home.
Capalino proposed a Community Board task force to explore alternative sites and document the economic importance of the Market. Following the issuance of the Task Force report, Capalino briefed representatives of the NYC Economic Development Corporation and Department of City Planning to enlist their support. During the next phase, Capalino coordinated a careful evaluation of three alternative sites and finally determined, in coordination with government and community leaders, that a site on 39th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues would represent the best solution to operate the market, while at the same time, catalyze economic activity in an under-utilized area.
In April 2003, the newly minted Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market was officially granted a Street Activity Permit to operate the Market every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year. It has been a resounding success and an example of community pride. Capalino’s expertise in City affairs was integral to finding the Flea Market a successful new home. Capalino also assisted the Market in the deployment of its marketing strategy by brokering strategic partnerships with Time Out Magazine and M@xRacks.