Case Studies

Case Study: RIP Medical Debt

RIP Medical Debt wanted to:

RIP Medical Debt is a national nonprofit organization whose purpose is to abolish financially burdensome medical debt around the United States. They use donations to buy large amounts of medical debt and then eradicates that debt, with no further obligation or consequence for the individuals who benefit. RIP Medical Debt wanted to increase corporate, foundation and individual funding and strengthen its connection with local government. It also wanted to grow awareness of their model to help increase donations and support.

Challenges RIP Medical Debt faced

Raising their profile and enhance their external identity, increasing donations and donor base, and developing relationships with donors in diverse industries

Capalino Assisted with

What we got done

We helped RIP Medical Debt develop a comprehensive strategy to promote the organization’s abolishment of over $8 billion of medical debt for almost 5 million people, as well as assisted in leveraging an $80 million grant from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Capalino produced a strategic plan that provided an external relations analysis and a roadmap to increase visibility and donations. We provided insight and guidance on establishing key partnerships with local governments to alleviate medical debt through the use of government funds. We also supported RIP Medical Debt in pursuing the New York City Imagine Award to recognize their achievements and innovation in the nonprofit sector.


Capalino has been an instrumental partner to help us achieve our goal of abolishing millions of dollars of medical debt. Their subject matter expertise and strategic insights on everything from Corporate Social Responsibility to government relations, was essential to devising a strategy for success. With Capalino’s help, we were able to increase corporate, foundation and individual funding, and strengthen our strategies for effectively connecting to local government and key partners. –Allison Sesso, President and CEO, RIP Medical Debt

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