This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Issues Directive to State Education Department: School Districts Must Protect Transgender Students
- Governor Cuomo Announces Plan to Implode Old Kosciuszko Bridge
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly 800 Percent Growth of New York Solar Power Over Past Five Years
- Governor Cuomo Announces Regulations to Implement New York’s Nation-Leading Paid Family Leave Program
- Governor Cuomo: NY State Homes and Community Renewal Announces Appointments
- The State of New York 2/17/2017 – “Excelsior Vol. 1”
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Actions to Combat Hate Crimes and Anti-Semitism Across New York State
- Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Directs State Police to Investigate Bomb Threat Against Anti-Defamation League
- Governor Cuomo Announces Results of Crackdown on Illegal Waste Dumping Throughout Long Island, NYC and the Mid-Hudson Valley
- Governor Cuomo Announces Availability of $32.4 Million in Transportation Funding for Rural Areas Across New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces First in the Nation Local Emergency Management Accreditation Program
- Governor Cuomo Announces Official Re-Opening of Coney Island DMV Office Following Superstorm Sandy
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than 370 Students Register for Making College Possible Coding Challenge
- Governor Cuomo Announces Significant Improvement in DWI Evidence Processing at State Police Lab
- Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney Endorses Governor Cuomo’s Proposal to Empower Voters to Reduce Property Taxes and Cost of Local Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces Significant Growth of Craft Beverage Stores Statewide
- Rockland County Executive Ed Day Endorses Governor Cuomo’s Proposal to Empower Voters to Reduce Property Taxes and Cost of Local Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces State Investigations Secure $5 Million for Victims of Discrimination
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Stewart International Airport Partnership with Norwegian
- Governor Cuomo Announces North American Breweries Breaks Ground on Genesee Eco-Brewery District in Rochester
- Comptroller DiNapoli Appoints Government Relations Staff
- Comptroller DiNapoli Announces State Contract and Payment Actions for January 2017
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases January State Cash Report
- Investors Renew Call on Exxon to Address Climate Risk
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman and State Education Commissioner Elia Issue Reminder That New York State Protects Transgender Students
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Oxford Health for Improperly Denying Claims of Hundreds of Members for Infusion Services
- Attorney General Schneiderman Urges Education Secretary and Congressional Leaders to Maintain Federal Protections for Higher Education Students
- Attorney General Schneiderman Responds to Congressional Inquiry: “Not a Single Substantiated Claim of Voter Fraud in New York”
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Networking Website for Sending Millions of Deceptive Email Solicitations
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Guilty Plea of Uber Driver for His Role in Operating Interstate Gun Trafficking Ring
Empire State Development Corporation:
- ESD Announces 43 More Companies Choose to Grow in New York State and Commit to Creating 640 New Jobs
- Central New York REDC to Hold Public Workshops Across the Region to Help Applicants Access State Funds
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: February 16, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: February 9, 2016
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