Mayor de Blasio Increases Awards to Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (MWBEs)



On Tuesday, February 2, Mayor de Blasio announced that New York City will make changes to its current procurement policies to increase the amount of City contracts that can be awarded to minority and women-owned businesses.

The rule change will raise the micro-purchase limit from $20,000 to $35,000 for construction service contracts. There is no competitive procurement process required for micro-purchases. Agencies will have to show that the price is reasonable and the vendor is responsible for the purchases, which allow more discretion for agencies to award contracts to MWBEs.

The changes are the result of a City Council Resolution and will take effect on March 1 of this year.

A second rule being implemented will allow preference for MWBEs to factor in to whether or not a bid is deemed “best value.” The change will give MWBEs price and technical preferences that can be calculated in the standard metrics of best value. This will allow MWBEs to be more competitive when they submit proposals for contracts.

For more information on these rule changes, and to learn about how these changes may affect or support your business development goals, please contact the Capalino MWBE Consulting Group’s Tunisha W. Walker here.

The Capalino MWBE Tunisha WalkerConsulting Group, led by Senior Vice President Tunisha W. Walker, works with MWBEs to build their capacity and secure government contracts, and assists companies seeking to hire MWBEs to comply with MWBE goals.

See how our MWBE Consulting Group can help make your business succeed.

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