Current RFPs: Week of January 30, 2015


If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities pertaining to procurement, please contact Mark Thompson and Tunisha W. Walker.

The following Request for Proposals have been recently issued by City government:

RFP for Events on Governor’s Island

February 2, 2015– Governors Island Corporation d/b/a The Trust for Governors Island (“The Trust”) is issuing this request for proposals (this “RFP”) to seek proposals from producers, organizations, or sponsors (hereafter “Respondents”) to host public, ticketed or private Events (as hereafter defined) in one of two areas on Governors Island: (i) the area known as the West Development Zone (“West Site”), or (ii) the parking lot area adjacent to Soissons Dock (the “Soissons Site”).

• Respondents may propose a term of either one year or two years.

• The West Site and the Soissons Site may be referred to collectively as the “Sites” or individually as a “Site”. The Sites are described in further detail later in this RFP.

• For purposes of this RFP, Events shall include, without limitation, concerts, exhibits, festivals, theatrical events, catered events, restaurants, artistic performances and other types of entertainment, cultural or artistic productions.

• Respondents may propose for either Site or both Sites. If a Respondent desires to submit a proposal for both Sites, it must submit a separate proposal for each Site.

• The winning Respondents to this RFP will be issued a permit (“Permit”) from The Trust and each may be hereafter referred to as the “Successful Respondent” or the “Permittee”.

Please note that while The Trust will review proposals for both Sites, the Trust will not issue a Permit for both Sites to a single Respondent. Additionally, the Trust will reserve the right to not issue Permits for substantially the same use for both Sites and regardless would not issue the same use for both sites (for example, two Permits would not be issued for concerts) without the mutual consent of both proposers.

During the Permit Term, a Permittee will be allowed:

(a) not more than 20 event days of more than 2,000 people between May 15th and October 15th of each of each year; and

(b) an unlimited number of event days of up to 2,000 people, subject to the same restrictions for amplified sound as established elsewhere in this RFP.

(c) access to the Island for loading in, setting up, or breaking down the event without that access counting towards Permittee’s number of event days.

Given the critical importance of Governors Island continuing to operate as primarily a public space and public resource, The Trust is seeking proposed uses that will complement and be consistent with the public character of the Island and cause minimal impacts to Island operations, as well as to Manhattan, Brooklyn, and surrounding areas. The Trust reserves the right to reject proposals that it deems as compromising to the public enjoyment of the Island.

Immigrant Services

February 3, 2015 – DYCD is proud to release the Immigrant Services ESOL/Civics Request for Proposals(RFP) through the HHS Accelerator system to those organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas. Likewise, proposals must be submitted through the HHS Accelerator system in the manner set forth in the “Procurements” section of the system by those same prequalified organizations. Go to to learn more.

In this RFP, the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) is seeking appropriately qualified not-for-profit organizations to provide English as a Second Language instruction in the context of civics to New York City’s adult immigrant population.

It is anticipated that the term of the contracts awarded from this RFP will be from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 with an option to renew for three additional years.

The pre-proposal conference for this RFP will be held on January 12, 2015 at 10:00am-12:00pm and at 2:00pm-4:00pm at 2 Lafayette, 14th floor Auditorium New York, NY 10007.

The due date for responses to this RFP is February 3, 2015.

If you have questions about this solicitation please send an email to indicating Immigrant Services in the subject line or call (212) 513-1820.

Broker Services for the Sale of Private Equity Partnerships

February 6, 2015 – The Office of the New York City Comptroller seeks expressions of interest from prospective Broker Dealers for the provision of services in connection with the sale of private equity partnerships. Responding firms must demonstrate experience and expertise in all matters related to secondary market private equity advisory, including managing an end-to-end sale and/or buy mandate of private equity LP interests. All responding firms must meet the highest standards of professional competence and ethics. The selected Broker Dealer will serve in a fiduciary capacity to the Comptroller and the New York City Retirement Systems (“Systems”).

The services to be provided shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Advise on secondary strategy and process for identifying the optimal asset/portfolio(s) for sale/acquisition, transaction structure, and potential acquirers/sellers of secondary limited partnership interests;
• Provide in-depth analysis on asset/portfolio valuation and reserve pricing;
• Collect and prepare due diligence materials;
• Identify potential buyers/sellers;
• Manage prospective buyer/seller diligence and material requests;
• Facilitate responses to additional requests for information from interested parties;
• Gather indicative pricing from select buyers/sellers and review existing proposals;
• Provide detailed investment recommendations to staff on the suggested transaction;
• Negotiate terms with interested parties;
• Oversight of legal structuring and purchase documentation process; and
• Coordinate general partner consent/transfer process and transaction closing.

Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council

February 17, 2015– DYCD is proud to release the Mayor`s Youth Leadership Council (MYLC) Request for Proposals(RFP) through the HHS Accelerator system to those organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas. Likewise, proposals must be submitted through the HHS Accelerator system in the manner set forth in the “Procurements” section of the system by those same prequalified organizations. Go to to learn more.

In this RFP, the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) in collaboration with the Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) is seeking an appropriately qualified organization to deliver the Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council (MYLC) program to high school aged youth. The MYLC offers a small group of 20 high school students the opportunity to formulate a change agenda for The City of New York in a policy area of their choice and to present their recommendations to the Mayor. It is anticipated that the term of the contracts awarded from this RFP will be from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 with an option to renew for three additional years.

The pre-proposal conference for this RFP will be held on January 13, 2015 at 10:00am at 2 Lafayette, 14th floor Auditorium New York, NY 10007. The due date for responses to this RFP is February 17, 2015, 2:00pm. If you have questions about this solicitation please send an email to indicating “MYLC Educational Support” in the subject line or call (212) 513-1820.

Operation of a Free Concert Series and a Maximum of Six Kiosks at Orchard Beach At Pelham Bay Park, the Bronx

February 18, 2015-Parks is seeking a concessionaire for a one season term, with two one-season renewal options, exercisable at Parks’ discretion.  The concessionaire may hold a maximum of ten concerts each season.  The hours of operation for each concert will be from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, unless otherwise approved in advance in writing by Parks.  A season is defined as starting July 11 and running through Labor Day, during each calendar year.

Spanning 115-acres, Orchard Beach consists of a 1.1 mile long sandy beach, a promenade, a main pavilion with washrooms and a food court, a games area, two picnic areas, and a 45-acre parking lot which holds 5,600 cars.  Orchard Beach is visited by millions of beachgoers every summer and hosts visitors from all five boroughs and Westchester County.

All proposals submitted in response to this RFP must be submitted no later than Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm.  There will be a recommended proposer meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 12:00 pm.  We will be meeting in Room 407 of the Arsenal, which is located at 830 5th Avenue, in Central Park, Manhattan.  If you are considering responding to this RFP, please make every effort to attend this recommended meeting.

Hard copies of the RFP can be obtained, at no cost, commencing on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 through Thursday, April 12, 2012, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends and holidays, at the Revenue Division of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, which is located at 830 Fifth Avenue, Room 407, New York, NY 10065.

The RFP is also available for download, commencing on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 through Thursday, April 12, 2012, on Parks’ website. To download the RFP, visit and click on the “Concessions Opportunities at Parks” link.  Once you have logged in, click on the “download” link that appears adjacent to the RFP’s description.

For more information or to request to receive a copy of the RFP by mail, prospective proposers may contact Venus Melo from the Revenue Division of Parks, at (212) 360-1397 or at

On-Call Management Consultant Services

February 19, 2015-New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking a consultant or consultant team to provide on-going, on-call management and/or economic development consulting services for various NYCEDC, IDA and/or City initiatives and studies including strategic planning and economic and policy analyses. Topic Areas for analysis include economic research and analysis; economic development strategic planning and evaluation; operations and business process analysis, organizational design, and change management; real estate development analysis; partnership design and option development; and implementation and project management.

NYCEDC will retain a number of on-call consultants to provide Services within each Topic Area, and will procure Services from the retained consultants from time to time using individual Project Assignments.

Snug Harbor Cultural Center Building H Drainage Remediation – Borough of Staten Island

February 25, 2015– Department of Design and Construction (MWBE)

Queens Theatre In The Park, Original Circular Lobby Reconstruction

February 26, 2015– Department of Design and Construction (MWBE)

Non-emergency Permanent Supportive Congregate Housing for Chronically Homeless Single Adults Living With Aids or Advanced HIV Illness

March 20, 2015– The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is seeking appropriately qualified vendors to operate and maintain the remaining 394 units of permanent supportive congregate housing for chronically homeless single adults who are living with HIV/AIDS and who suffer from a co-occurring serious and persistent mental illness, a substance abuse disorder, or a Mentally Ill Chemical Abuse (MICAS) disorder.

This is an “Open-Ended” RFP; therefore, proposals will be accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis until all units covered by this RFP are sited.


April 1, 2015-New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking a consultant or consultant team to provide on-going, on-call management and/or economic development consulting services for various NYCEDC, IDA and/or City initiatives and studies including strategic planning and economic and policy analyses. Topic Areas for analysis include economic research and analysis; economic development strategic planning and evaluation; operations and business process analysis, organizational design, and change management; real estate development analysis; partnership design and option development; and implementation and project management.

NYCEDC will retain a number of on-call consultants to provide Services within each Topic Area, and will procure Services from the retained consultants from time to time using individual Project Assignments.

NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the proposed fee


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