Current RFPs: Week of November 4, 2022


Employee Cafeteria at Mother Clara Hale Depot

RFP ID: #MT102022

Agency: MTA New York City Transit

Proposal Due Date: December 8, 2022

The MTA is hereby soliciting proposals for the operation of a food and beverage amenity in a portion of the employee cafeteria located on the fourth floor of Mother Clara Hale Bus Depot, 146 Lenox Avenue, NY, NY 10026. The Depot is a 390,000 square foot facility that houses multiple bus routes. The Depot was constructed and reopened in 2014. As part of the RFP process, the MTA requires the right to review and approve the price structure of basic food menu items. Price increases to basic food items will be subject to Landlord’s prior written approval.


Mikhaela Tropp, (212) 268-9498,
Raymond Smyth,

Employee Cafeteria at Randall’s Island

RFP #: MT102022

Agency: MTA Brides and Tunnels

Proposal Due Date: December 8, 2022

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is seeking proposals from qualified parties interested in the licensing of the employee cafeteria at MTA Bridges & Tunnels Randall’s Island Facility located at 104 Sunken Garden Loop on Randall’s Island, New York, NY. There are approximately 250 employees within the Randall’s Island Complex. In addition, an average of 100 persons per week will be visiting the Training Center for training purposes and frequenting the food and beverage counter, especially for hot beverages and breakfast items.


Mikhaela Tropp, (212) 268-9498,
Raymond Smyth,

Master Lease of Five Retail Units at Beach 116 St

RFP #: N/A

Agency: MTA New York City Transit

Proposal Due Date: January 19, 2023

New York City Transit’s Beach 116 subway station is located on Beach 116 Street in Rockaway Park, Queens, NY, and is serviced by the S subway line. The Q35, Q53 and Q22 bus lines have a stop adjacent to the station. The Station is comprised of five streetfront retail spaces along Beach 116 St. The retail units are part of an active retail corridor with businesses including, restaurants, bars, and other retail uses. Last Stop Gourmet Shop and A&J Jewelry are currently operating from two of the five units. The opportunity is a street level retail Master Lease comprising of the five units.  The MTA is seeking a Master Lessee to assume exclusive responsibility for the complete renovation, development, management and operation of the retail premises. The MTA seeks to ensure that the successful proposer will continuously attract and retain a vibrant mix of high-quality retailers that create a uniquely branded and exciting food and retail destination. The Master Lessee may directly operate all, some or none of the individual retail units. For any retail units the respective Master Lessee does not directly operate, the Master Lessee must sublease the retail units to food & beverage and retail operators that meet or exceed the MTA’s objectives.


Bernhard Weinstabel,
Mikhaela Tropp,
Dean Rosenzweig,
Christopher Betting,
Raymond Smyth,

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