Capalino Insider: Q&A with Pallavi Desai, Senior Associate, Agency Problem Solving

Pallavi Desai is a technical expert and fearless navigator of governmental agency permitting and approval processes.

What do you specialize in at Capalino?
Building code and zoning requirements- I help the Agency Problem Solving team navigate through the governmental agency permitting and approval processes for construction projects in NYC.
What do you love about NYC?  
My favorite thing about NYC is the melting pot of cultures. You can go from one Borough to another and experience different cultures and people. It’s like travelling the world via train.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Chances are that other people in the room are confused about the same topic.
What is your proudest accomplishment? 
Being able to work full time and be a full time grad student to obtain my Masters in Construction Management and MBA in Project Management from Steven’s Institute of Technology.
What’s the biggest thing that excites you about coming to work every day?  
Helping people. I genuinely enjoy fixing problems. I like deciphering a problem by breaking it down into pieces and finding a solution to each piece.
What is your favorite book?
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat- Cookbook that breaks down fundamental elements of cooking.
What’s one thing nobody knows about you?
I was a Professional Indian Classical Dancer for 12 years.

Read Pallavi’s Bio

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