This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governor Cuomo Announces Excelsior Scholarship Application Open for New Applicants for 2018-19 Academic Year
- Governor Cuomo: The NRA is Not Going To Win the Day. The People of the United States Are Going To Win the Day
- B-Roll & Photos: Governor Cuomo Marches in the March for Our Lives in New York City
- Governor Cuomo Announces Fourth Harmful Algal Blooms Summit in Rochester
- Video, Audio & Rush Transcript: Governor Cuomo Delivers Remarks at Mt. Neboh Baptist Church
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $2.8 Million Awarded to Long Island Municipalities and New York City in Round 5 of Restore New York Communities Initiative
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $11 Million Awarded to Mid-Hudson Region Municipalities in Round 5 of Restore New York Communities Initiative
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $11 Million Awarded to Finger Lakes Municipalities in Round 5 of Restore New York Communities Initiative
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $8.8 Million Awarded to Western NY Municipalities in Round 5 of Restore New York Communities Initiative
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $11 Million Awarded to Capital Region Municipalities in Round 5 of Restore New York Communities Initiative
State Senate and Assembly
- New York Senate Passes Measure to Make Kendra’s Law Permanent
- New York State Senate and Assembly Kick Off Last Legislative Week Before New Fiscal Year By Passing Variety Of Bills
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- Far Rockaway Pre-School Executive Director Sentenced to Jail Time for Theft of Education Funds Intended for Special Needs Students
- NYS Comptroller DiNapoli: Wall Street Profits and Bonuses Up Sharply in 2017
- DiNapoli: The Rockaways is on the Rise
Attorney General Schneiderman:
- Statement From A.G. Schneiderman On Victory Over Exxon In Federal Lawsuit
- A.G. Schneiderman Announces $10.3 Million Joint State-Federal Settlement With CenterLight Over False Medicaid Billing
- A.G. Schneiderman Leads Coalition Of 19 AGs Opposing Trump Administration’s Attempt To Give Entities A License To Discriminate In Health Care
- A.G. Schneiderman Announces Indictments Of 10 Individuals With Alleged Ties To The Lucchese Organized Crime Family For Large-Scale Illegal Loan Sharking And Bookmaking Activities
- Attorney General Schneiderman To Lead Multistate Lawsuit To Preserve Fair And Accurate Census
- Operation Bottomfeeder: A.G. Schneiderman Shuts Down Brooklyn Telemarketing Operation That Solicited Funds For Sham Veterans Charity
- Attorney General Schneiderman And Governor Cuomo File Petition With Federal Government To Set Fair Fluke Quota
This Week in New York City Government
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