This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governor Cuomo Announces Alliance for Economic Inclusion Anti- Poverty Initiative is Seeking Request for Proposals
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of Cashless Tolling at All MTA Bridges and Tunnels Three Months Ahead of Schedule
- Governor Cuomo Announces 74 Percent Increase in Electric Car Sales Since Launch of Drive Clean Rebate in March
- Governor Cuomo Announces $110 Million Phase III Construction Project at the Kew Gardens Interchange
- Governor Cuomo Announces $50 Million Available to Support Water Quality Protection Projects on New York Livestock Farms
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of First Hands-Free Cross-Country Drive from Cadillac’s Headquarters in New York City
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than 200 Proposals Received to Build Large-Scale Renewable Power Projects in New York State
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2.5 Million Competition to Re-Imagine How New York State Canal System is Used
- Governor Cuomo Launches Statewide Empire State Relief & Recovery Effort for Puerto Rico
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- Approved State Contracts and Payments for August 2017, September 27, 2017
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Announces Latest Fiscal Stress Scores, September 27, 2017
Attorney General Schneiderman:
Attorney General Schneiderman’s Office Testifies On Massive Equifax Breach
A.G. Schneiderman Announces Lawsuit Against Buffalo Furniture Store
A.G. Schneiderman Leads AG Opposition To Trump Administration’s Rollback Of Overtime Pay Protection
A.G. Schneiderman Leads SCOTUS Brief To Defend Voting Rights
Assembly Speaker Heastie:
- Speaker Heastie Announces New Leadership Positions and Committee Chairs for 2018 Legislative Session
- Speaker Heastie Joins Assemblymember Pellegrino for Tour of Superstorm Sandy Affected Communities
This Week in New York City Government
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