This Week in New York City Government
- De Blasio Administration Launches New Initiative to Combat Opioid Epidemic
- Mental Health Advocates and National Healthcare Experts Praise Mayor de Blasio’s Plan to Combat Opioids Epidemic
- Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, Department of Health Announce Successful Rollout of “Justice-Involved Supportive Housing” Program Stabilizing Individuals Who Frequently Cycle Through Jail and Shelter
- Mayor de Blasio and Senior Advisor Gabrielle Fialkoff Launch Ad Campaign Encouraging Employers to Hire Summer Interns
- City Leaders Launch IDNYC on the Go! Mobile Enrollment Van at New York City Football Club Home Opener
- Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo Announce Increase in Reward for Any Information Leading to Arrest and Conviction for a Hate Crime
Borough Electeds:
- Bronx Borough President Diaz: Legislation in Response to Hunts Point Cluster Site Tragedy Introduced
- Bronx Borough President Diaz Speaks at ‘Just Food’ Conference
- Bronx Borough President Diaz: Citywide Ferry Model Sets Sail for New York Public Library – Soundview Branch and the Bronx Museum of the Arts
- Bronx Borough President Diaz Hosts African-American Heritage Celebration
- Manhattan Borough Board Approves Midtown East Rezoning
- Queens Borough President Katz: A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of the Honorable Helen M. Marshall
- Staten Island Borough President Oddo: Upgrades Completed at Wolfe’s Pond Park
- Affordable High-Speed Internet for New York City’s Low-Income Families and Seniors Announced by Charter Communications, Public Advocate James and Council Member Ben Kallos
- Public Advocate James Denounces House Healthcare Bill, Citing Numbers of Uninsured
- Public Advocate James Applauds City Lawsuit Against Verizon
City Agencies and Citywide:
- Chancellor Fariña Kicks Off Summer in the City Applications
- NYCEDC and the Council of Fashion Designers of America Launch Fashion Future Graduate Showcase
- New York City Hits Record Low Unemployment, Adds 39,000 Private Jobs in January 2017
- Health Department and the Fund for Public Health Announce the New York City Mural Arts Project
- HPD Issues a Request for Qualifications Seeking Experienced Organizations to Help Residents in Dilapidated Multifamily Buildings Gain Relief Through Rehabilitation and New Management
- MTA Fare Hike Takes Effect This Sunday
- New Medical Marijuana Rules Taking Effect in NYC
- Best Ways to Volunteer and Get Involved in NYC
- Health Department Launches Anti-Smoking “Greatest Hits” Public Awareness Campaign
- GrowNYC’s New Distribution Hub Could Help Local Farmers Reach More Tables
- NYC & Company Invites Visitors to Experience the New and Iconic Midtown Manhattan This Year
- The City is Planning to Install a Two-Way Bike Path Between the Brooklyn Bridge and Park Row
- City Elections Board Aims to Launch New Portal in Time for November Elections
This Week in New York State Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York City Government: March 9, 2016
- This Week in New York City Government: March 3, 2016
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