This Week in the New York State Government: May 19, 2023

Governor Hochul
- Governor Hochul Announces Launch of 43North’s Ninth Startup Competition
- Governor Hochul Announces $82 Million in Funding Opportunities to Enhance New York State Arts and Culture
- Governor Hochul Announces $8 Million Now Available for New Climate Smart Community Projects
- Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Strengthen Health Care Workforce
- Governor Hochul Announces $55 Million Available to Enhance Public Safety and Emergency Communications Systems
Attorney General Letitia James
- Attorney General James Secures $4.3 Million from Cryptocurrency Company for Defrauding Investors
- Attorney General James Co-Leads Bipartisan Coalition of 39 AGs to Protect Communities from the Dangers of Illicit Xylazine
- Attorney General James’ Office of Special Investigation Releases Report on Death of Lopamudra Desai
- Attorney General James Leads Multistate Coalition in Advocating for Antidiscrimination Protections for Transgender Athletes