This Week in New York State Government: April 5, 2024

Governor Hochul
- Governor Hochul Announces Confirmation of New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James by Senate
- Governor Hochul Announces Inaugural Mental Health Needs Assessment for First Responders
- Governor Hochul Awards Over $3.8 Million to Support Animal Shelter Improvements
- Governor Hochul Announces $4 Million to Enhance Services for Individuals With Complex Mental Health Care Needs Statewide
- Governor Hochul Announces Project to Overhaul Outdated DMV Technology to Bring Significant Customer Service Improvements to New Yorkers
- Governor Hochul Issues Proclamation Declaring April Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Governor Hochul Launches Efforts to Help New York Students Access Financial Aid
- Governor Hochul Awards $8 Million to Advance Zero-Carbon Multifamily Buildings
Attorney General Letitia James
- Consumer Alert: Attorney General James Provides Tips for New Yorkers Ahead of Solar Eclipse
- Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation Opens Investigation into Civilian Death in Queens
- Attorney General James Delivers More Than 4,600 Cans of Baby Formula in New York City
- Attorney General James Wins $811 Million Judgment Against Predatory Company That Targeted Immigrant Detainees
- Attorney General James and Comptroller Lander Secure Nearly $230,000 for Building Employees Cheated out of Fair Pay
Comptroller DiNapoli
- More State Involvement Needed to Address Local Emergency Medical Services Challenges
- The Importance of Responsible Debt Management
- The Growing Role of Counties in Emergency Medical Services
- Mental Health: Inpatient Service Capacity
- New York City’s Uneven Recovery: Foreign-Born in the Workforce
- Economic and Policy Insights: New York State Business Owners
- Higher Education in New York: Evaluating Competitiveness and Identifying Challenges