This Week in the New York State Government

Governor Cuomo
- At Inaugural ‘No Hate in Our State’ Conference, Governor Cuomo Proposes Additional $25 Million in Security Grant Funding for Organizations Vulnerable to Hate Crimes
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Measures to Mitigate Tax Fraud are Included in FY 2021 Executive Budget
- Governor Cuomo Announces Greatest Funding In State History to Combat Homelessness and Expand Access to Affordable Housing and Supportive Services Included in FY 2021 Executive Budget
- Governor Cuomo Annnounces Approval of $300 Million in Funding for Reimagine the Canals Initiative
- Governor Cuomo Issues Update on Novel Coronavirus as One More New Yorker is Identified for Testing Bringing Total to 10
- Governor Cuomo Announces Tax Benefits for Farmers Included in FY 2021 Executive Budget
- Governor Cuomo Announces Legislation to Empower State Police to Investigate Internet Crimes Against Children Included in FY 2021 Executive Budget
- During Trip to Poland, Governor Cuomo Recommits to Series of Actions to Fight Anti-Semitism, Including Passing First-in-the-Nation Domestic Terrorism Law and Enacting a Diversity Curriculum for Schools
- Governor Cuomo Announces Legislation to Further Protect Transportation Workers from Harassment and Assault as Part of FY 2021 Executive Budget
State Legislature
- Assembly Passes Legislation to Make Limousines Safer and Prevent Future Tragedies
- Speaker Heastie Announces Leadership Positions and Committee Chairs for 2020 Legislative Session
- The Remarks of Speaker Carl E. Heastie Opening the 243rd Legislative Session
- Speaker Heastie Announces Assembly’s Continued Commitment to Going Green with Use of LED Lights in the Chamber
Attorney General Letitia James
- AG James Opens Up NYC Tourism Market To Competition
- Attorney General James Fights To Protect Children In Civil Immigration Detention
- Attorney General James Sues Trump Administration For Attempting To Raise Costs Of Abortion Services Under ACA
- Attorney General James Announces $1 Million Grant For Albany To Implement New Strategic Housing Program
- Attorney General James Fights To Protect Children In Civil Immigration Detention
- Attorney General James Sues Trump Administration For Attempting To Raise Costs Of Abortion Services Under ACA
- Attorney General James Announces $1 Million Grant For Albany To Implement New Strategic Housing Programs
- AG James Opens Up NYC Tourism Market To Competition
Comptroller DiNapoli
- Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School and Municipal Audits, January 30, 2020
- NYS Comptroller DiNapoli Announces Coal Investments Under Review, January 29, 2020
This Week in New York City Government