This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking $650 Million Initiative to Fuel Growth of a World-Class Life Science Cluster in New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces Ratification of Three-Year Labor Contract With New York State Public Employees Federation
- Governor Cuomo Announces $1.75 Million for Five New Centers to Help Those in Recovery From Addiction
- Governor Cuomo Announces Aim Photonics Manufacturing Facility to Be Located in Rochester’s Eastman Park Business at ON Semiconductor
- Governor Cuomo Announces General Motors to Invest $334 Million in Western New York and Rochester
- Governor Cuomo Announces Latest Recharge NY Power Allocations Will Create 647 New Jobs Across New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York to Participate in National “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” This Holiday Season
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking on Historic TWA Flight Center Hotel
- Governor Cuomo Announces Success of Mohawk Valley Regional Sustainable Development and Collaborative Governance Conference
- Governor Cuomo Announces Farm Distilleries Nearly Double in Two Years of Craft New York Act
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2 Million in Planning Grants Through New York’s Brownfield Opportunity Area Program
- Governor Cuomo Announces Milestone Topping Off and Completion of Eight Main Span Towers on New NY Bridge
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2.8 Million in NYSUNY 2020 Awards for Binghamton University
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of New Blueprint to Guide Preservation of Natural Resources Across New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces Seven New York-Based Productions Nominated for 2017 Golden Globe Awards
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Ads to Inform New Yorkers of Treatment and Support Services Available to Combat Addiction
- The State of New York 12/9/16 – “Investing in the Future”
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $7.2 Million Thruway Rehabilitation Project Between Schenectady and Amsterdam
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $380,000 to Improve Monitoring and Reporting of Combined Sewer Overflows Across the State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Recipients of 2016 New York State Historic Preservation Awards
- Governor Cuomo Urges Caution for Lake Effect Winter Snow Storms Forecast in Western, Northern New York
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases State Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Consumers Should Read Fine Print on Gift Cards This Holiday Season
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Calls for State Procurement Reform
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Announces New Corporate Agreement to Disclose Political Spending
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Files Federal Antitrust Lawsuit With 19 Other States Against Heritage Pharmaceuticals and Other Generic Drug Companies
- Attorney General Schneiderman and Acting Tax Commissioner Manion Announce Indictment of Brooklyn Scaffolding Contractor and Owner for Alleged Theft of Nearly $500K Dollars in Tax Revenue
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Legal Document Company for Multiple Violations of Court Orders
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces $17.5 Million Settlement With Owner of Ashleymadison.Com in Joint Multi-State and Ftc Agreement
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Additional $20 Million for Homeowner Protection Program, Plus New Grant Program to Prevent Foreclosure Scams, Funded Through Bank Settlements
- Attorney General Schneiderman, DOI Commissioner Peters and DFS Superintendent Vullo Announce Indictments of 13 Current and Former City Fire and Police Department Employees in Half Million Dollar Supplemental Insurance Fraud Scams
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Indictment Charging Albany Insurance Broker and Wife With Life Insurance Fraud Scam
State Legislature:
- Senator Charles Schumer Calls for All Transit Workers to Be Cross-Checked Against Terror List
- State Orders Monitor for New York City’s Child Welfare Agency
Empire State Development Corporation:
- Capital Region Economic Development Council Awarded $83.1 Million for More Than 100 Projects
- Empire State Development Announces Six Organizations Awarded Funding From U.S Department of Commerce
- Long Island REDC Announces Opening of Adelphi University’s New Nursing Innovation Lab and Training Facility
- Empire State Development Announces Operator of Western New York Workforce Training Center
- Empire State Development Announces G.W. Lisk to Expand Operations in Ontario County
- Mid-Hudson REDC Awarded $83.3 Million to Support 105 Projects
- Western New York REDC Awarded $62 Million for 105 Projects
- Finger Lakes REDC Awarded $80.5 Million for 97 Projects
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: December 8, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: December 1, 2016
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