SxSW Advises Tech Firms: Talk to Government!



Written by George Fontas, Executive Vice President of Capalino

At SXSW Interactive 2016 President Obama implored tech and government to come together to solve new problems. Technology and government affect each other greatly, and work together to provide solutions to some of our biggest challenges. So why do companies with innovative solutions run when you hear the word government, and how can we, as lobbyists/policy experts, alleviate your fears and show you this relationship is mutually beneficial?

Many startups avoid talking to government in fear that you will be heavily regulated before you even raise sufficient capital to get off the ground. Or often because they want to collect market share before government can react.

Here are two important points to consider:

As Aaron Sorkin said, “Decisions are made by the people who show up.”  Government can protect and propel your business forward if you get in the game early.

Stay tuned for my next post: “How Do I Talk to Government in a Low Risk Way?”

George Fontas

Executive Vice President and Leader of Legislative + Political Affairs Practice Group

About George

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