Capalino provides clients with the highest quality of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) Services. Combining unparalleled experience, a broad range of relationships and a deep knowledge of government processes, we collaborate with our clients to successfully navigate the complex rules, regulations and politics of local and state governments.

Tunisha WalkerServices in our MWBE group include:


MWBE Events and Workshops happening around the City

Manhattan Chamber of Commerce the following Workshop:

MWBE Advanced Financial Management Program: Understanding financial statements

Date & Time: 3/16/2015 at 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Location: Anchin Block & Anchin, 1375 Broadway, New York, NY 10018

 To get more information about this workshop and to fill out the application to attend, click here.


NYC SBS Request for Proposal (RFP)

Analysis of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Utilization and Local Hiring in  New York City.

Information regarding this RFP is below:

PIN: 80115P0001

Release Date of this Request for Proposals: February 24, 2015

Questions Due Date & Time: March 16, 2015, 4:00PM

Anticipated Release Date for Answers to Questions: March 26, 2015

Proposal Due Date and Time and Location: Date: April 9, 2015 Time: 4:00PM

Proposals shall be submitted to: Daryl Williams, ACCO, NYC Department of Small Business Services 110 William Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10038.

E-mailed or faxed proposals WILL NOT be accepted by the Agency. Proposals received at this Location after the Proposal Due Date and Time are late and shall not be accepted by the Agency, except as provided under New York City’s Procurement Policy Board Rules.

The Agency will consider requests made to the Authorized Agency Contact Person to extend the Proposal Due Date and Time prescribed above. However, unless the Agency issues a written addendum to this RFP which extends the Proposal Due Date and Time for all proposers, the Proposal Due Date and Time prescribed above shall remain in effect.

All questions and requests for additional information concerning this RFP should be directed to Daryl Williams, ACCO, the Authorized Agency Contact Person, at: E. Anticipated Contract Start Date: July 1, 2015

Reconstruction of Tillary Street Area- Phase I – Borough of Brooklyn (RFP)

Information regarding this RFP is below:

This Project is Federally aided and is subject to the provision of Title 23, U.S. code, as amended, and applicable New York State Statutes. In compliance with these provisions, the minimum wages to be paid laborers and mechanics are included in wage schedules that are set in the bid documents.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and the City of New York hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or place of residence. Prospective bidder`s attention is directed to the requirements of Attachment “A” thru “Q” in Volume 3 of the contract. DBE goals can be found on Attachment “H” pages A2-H1 thru A2-H2. The schedule of proposed DBE participation is to be submitted by the apparent low bidder within 7 business days after the date of the opening of bids.

Non-compliance with the 7 day submittal requirement, the stipulations of Schedule “H” or submittal of bids in which any of the prices for lump sum or unit items are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Department may be cause for a determination of non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. The award of this contract is subject to the approval of the New York City Department of Design and Construction and the New York State Department of Transportation.

Bid Document Deposit-$35.00 per set-Company Check or Money Order Only-No Cash Accepted-Late Bids Will Not Be Accepted
Experience Requirements. Apprenticeship Participation Requirements Apply To This Contract. Late bids will not be accepted.

PIN: 85015B0105

DDC PIN: 8502014hw00

Bid documents are available at:

Proposal Due Date and Time and Location: March 27, 2015, 11:00AM

Proposals shall be submitted to: Lorraine Holley or Emmanuel Charles, Design and Construction 30-30 Thomson Avenue, First Floor, Long Island City, NY 11101

Replacement of Water Mains and Appurtenances (RFP)

Information regarding this RFP is below:

PROJECT NO.: HED563/DDC PIN: 8502014WM0007C
Bid Document Deposit-$35.00 per set-Company Check or Money Order Only-No Cash Accepted-Late Bids Will Not Be Accepted
Experience Requirements.
Apprenticeship Participation Requirements Apply To This Contract

This procurement is subject to Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) participation goals as required by Local Law 1 of 2013. All respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Participation Plan with their response. For the MWBE goals, please visit our website at see “Bid Opportunities”. For a list of companies certified by the NYC Department of Small Business Services, please visit To find out how to become certified, visit or call the DSBS certification helpline at (212) 513-6311.

PIN: 85015B0114

Proposal Due Date and Time: March 31, 2015, 11:00AM

Location: West Kingsbridge Road Between Webb Avenue and University Avenue, Etc.- Borough of the Bronx, Long Island City

Bid documents are available at:  

Proposals shall be submitted toEmmanuel Charles, Design and Construction 30-30 Thomson Avenue, First Floor, Long Island City, NY 11101

Storm and Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances (RFP)

Information regarding this RFP is below:

Special Experience Requirements. Bid Documents Are Available At:

Project NO.:SEQ200527
Bid Document Deposit-$35.00 per set-Company Check or Money Order Only-No Cash Accepted-Late Bids Will Not Be Accepted
Special Experience Requirements.

Companies certified by the New York City Department of Small Business Services as Minority- or Women- Owned Business Enterprises (”M/WBE”) are strongly encouraged to submit a bid. This procurement is subject to Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) participation goals as required by Local Law 1 of 2013. All respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Participation Plan with their response. For the MWBE goals, please visit our website at see “Bid Opportunities”. For a list of companies certified by the NYC Department of Small Business Services, please visit To find out how to become certified, visit or call the DSBS certification helpline at (212) 513-6311.

Bid Document Deposit-$35.00 per set-Company Check or Money Order Only-No Cash Accepted-Late Bids Will Not Be Accepted
Experience Requirements. Apprenticeship Participation Requirements Apply To This Contract.

PIN: 85015B0100

DDC PIN: 8502014SE0038C

Location: On 128th Street Between 116th Avenue and Rockaway Boulevard; And Foch Boulevard Between 127th Street And 130th Street – Borough Of Queens

Proposal Due Date and Time and Location: March 26, 2015, 11:00AM

Bid documents are available at:

Proposals shall be submitted to: Emmanuel Charles, Design and Construction 30-30 Thomson Avenue, First Floor, Long Island City, NY 11101

Pre-qualified Vendor List: General Construction Services – Non-Complex General Construction Site Work Associated with New York Department of Parks and Recreation (“DPR” and/or “Parks”) Reconstruction Projects

Information regarding this pre-qualification is below:

DPR is seeking to evaluate and pre-qualify a list of general contractors exclusively to conduct non-complex general construction site work involving the construction and reconstruction of DPR parks and playgrounds projects not exceeding $3 million per contract.

By establishing contractor’s qualification and experience in advance, DPR will have a pool of competent contractors from which it can draw to promptly and effectively reconstruct and construction its parks, playgrounds, beaches, gardens and green-streets. DPR will select contractors from the General Construction PQL for non-complex general construction site work of up to $3,000,000.00 per contract, through the use of a Competitive Sealed Bid solicited from the PQL generated from this RFQ.

The vendors selected for inclusion in the General Construction PQL will be invited to participate in the NYC Construction Mentorship. NYC Construction Mentorship focuses on increasing the use of small NYC contracts, and winning larger contracts with larger values. Firms participating in NYC Construction Mentorship will have the opportunity to take management classes and receive on-the-job training provided by a construction management firm.

DPR will only consider applications for this General Construction PQL from contractors who meet any one of the following criteria:

1) The submitting entity must be a Certified Minority/Woman Business enterprise (M/WBE)*;

2) The submitting entity must be a registered joint venture or have a valid legal agreement as a joint venture, with at least one of the entities in the joint venture being a certified M/WBE*;

3) The submitting entity must indicate a commitment to sub-contract no less than 50 percent of any awarded job to a certified M/WBE for every work order awarded.*Firms that are in the process of becoming a New York City-certified M/WBE may submit a PQL application and submit a M/WBE

Acknowledgement Letter, which states the Department of Small Business Services has began the Certification process.

Application documents may also be obtained on-line at: or

Common Questions asked about MWBE:

1. How are MWBE goals determined for a project in NYC?

a. The work involved in each project is assessed to determine the capacity for M/WBE involvement. Once an analysis of the work is complete, we determine the amount of work that, under normal circumstances, would be subcontracted out to other businesses. We then determine what types of trades would be necessary and whether there are ample M/WBE firms available to execute the work. For certain trades– with waterfront work, for example– there are not many M/WBE firms available so it would be hard to set a goal without restricting competition. However, for most projects there are ample M/WBE firms and goals can be set as long as there is sufficient capacity for subcontracting.

b. In addition to considering inherent project opportunities, NYCEDC must consider the requirements of the funding entity. NYCEDC receives funding from federal, state and city sources. State M/WBE goals, City M/WBE goals and Federal DBE goals are all calculated differently and have different guidelines.  Sometimes a single project will be funded by a mix of all three jurisdictions. The rule is that the highest funding jurisdiction’s program applies to the entirety of the project. For example, if there are any federal funds invested in a project, then federal guidelines apply, no matter how small the amount of federal funding. If only state and City funding is involved, then the State’s program is followed. While the difference between City and State M/WBE programs is minimal, the difference between those and Federal programs is substantial in that the DBE designation is used at the Federal level. The DBE designation, which stands for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, is similar in spirit to M/WBE guidelines but it is designed to be race and gender neutral and focuses more on economic criteria. A business must prove it is owned and operated by one or more “socially and economically disadvantaged” persons.

c. For projects funded with NYC funds, Local Law 129 applies. Local Law 129 was crafted to address the effects of historical discrimination, which still effect MWBEs today (link to related question focused on LL129). This law calls for goals on projects that include trades for which there are ample MWBEs available to do the work. Agencies are required to meet a goal which varies depending on MWBE-type (HA, BA, AAP, etc) and work type (professional services, construction, standard services).

d. Goals are calculated as a percentage of payments made. For example, if a project award is $2 million and the MWBE goal is 20%, the aim is for MWBE firms to receive at least $400,000 worth of work.

Note: For NYS. The MWBE Goals are 30% across the board.

2. Who can certify a business as being an MWBE?

There are both private and public agencies that certify businesses as M/W/DBEs.  While there is some cooperation between agencies, there is currently no reciprocity between agencies for certified businesses.  A business will need to apply separately to each agency.   In New York City metro area, the following agencies will certify businesses:


Capalino takes pride in providing you with the latest information regarding MWBE Workshops and Events. If you are an MWBE or a DBE that is looking for assistance with finding out additional information regarding the workshops, events or RFP’s listed in this newsletter, please feel free to contact .


MWBE NYC  provides subscribers access to vital MWBE information including Weekly Announcements, RFP notices’s Announcements, and information about businesses that are seeking MWBE assistance.


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