Tom Gray Highlights How To Use Smartphones To Make Smart Schools
Written by Tom Gray, Senior Vice President at Capalino
Last Thursday I asked the audience at the City & State Reports’ annual awards event on Tech, Energy what social media platform a middle schooler today uses. One man responded, “Snapchat! My child sent over 60,000 snapchats in one month!”
Today, technology is everywhere, including in the hands of young people. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone users and teens spend nine hours each day using media for enjoyment.
“Young people are learning how to use technology from applications like Snapchat and they shouldn’t be.”
Still, one of the biggest opportunities to provide young people with the tools they need to understand technology is not being utilized. There are 1.1 million students in over 1,800 schools in New York City. Youth spend on average over six hours in school each day in NYC and receive little to no education on technology throughout their school day.
Illuminated to in the parent’s remarks about their child’s use of Snapchat, cell phones and other devices consume a large amount of youth’s daily activities. Thus, there is a huge opportunity to leverage schools in training young people to use technology as a tool in driving their success. New York City must lead in incorporating technology in the classroom in a way that cultivates learning and development.
Smartphones and other devices are a large part of how young people experience the world they live in. There are great benefits to having educators teach students about technology:
- Diversity in Learning Styles: Technology equips teachers with more tools to reach students they otherwise might not be able to reach.
- Increase in Engagement: Educators are able to hold their students’ attention longer and keep them engaged when they use technology youth are interested in.
- Real-World Application: Introducing technology in the classroom prepares students for real-world application in their future careers.
I’m on the Board of The LAMP, a nonprofit that equips youth to shape the media landscape through hands-on-learning and encourages students to use their cell phones to complete exercises. Learn more about my involvement as a Board Member and how The LAMP is increasing educational opportunities for young people in NYC at the Summer Soiree 2016 on July 19th. Organizations like The LAMP support government in finding innovative ways to turn the computers in our hands into key devices for learning.
To learn more about how you can bring technology and innovation to New York City contact Tom Gray at tom@nullcapalino.com or 212-616-5819.
At Capalino we understand the value of innovation in key industries like education. Our team of technology advisors provide networking opportunities, business development and strategic partnerships to technology and innovative firms looking to enter the New York market and do business with government.