Current RFPs: Week of November 7th, 2014
The following Request for Proposals have been recently issued by City government:
If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities pertaining to procurement, please contact Mark Thompson and Tunisha W. Walker.
On Call Maritime Engineering Consultant Services
November 12, 2014 – New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking an On Call Maritime Engineering Consultant. The consultant shall perform site investigation and inspection services as directed by NYCEDC, including but not limited to surveys, underwater, subsurface and other types of inspections, environmental and other types of studies, soil borings, and various engineering studies. NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the proposed fee.
Student Recruitment Advertising Space
November 12, 2014 – The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) intends to purchase advertising space for student recruitment advertisements on Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) subways and buses. If you are authorized by the MTA to sell advertising space on MTA subways and buses and you wish to be considered to sell these services to BMCC, please submit an expression of interest by mail or email to the designated contact below no later than the date set forth below and include documentation from the MTA that verifies your authority to sell these services on behalf of the MTA.
Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto or incorporated herein by reference), the University’s standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, and the Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with the same effect as it is written. These documents are available for review upon request to the contact listed below.
Communication with the University with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others may constitute an “impermissible contact” under state law, and could result in disqualification of that vendor.
No subcontracting is allowed.
The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. The restricted period began with the publication of this ad.
Compliance Procurement Lobbying Act
Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms if they are selected.
a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)”
b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k”
Grant Program for Private Property Owners
November 13, 2014 – The New York City Department of Environmental Protection offers a grant program for private property owners in combined sewer areas of New York City. The minimum requirement is to manage 1″ of stormwater runoff from the contributing impervious area. If selected, DEP will provide funds for the design and construction of the green infrastructure system. Eligible projects include blue roofs, rain gardens, green roofs, porous pavement and rainwater harvesting on private property in combined sewer areas.
NYC Capsule Collection
November 6, 2014 – In September 2013, the New York City Economic Development Corporation announced the Fashion Manufacturing Initiative (“FMI”), a program through which fashion factories in New York City can obtain funding for infrastructure and technology upgrades as well as workforce training. The initiative is designed to generate business growth within the industry, as well as elevate the level of available fashion production resources in New York City.
As part of the effort to support fashion factories, NYCEDC seeks to promote and showcase the work of New York City’s designers and factories through a program in which one or more city-based designer(s) present(s) a small collection of items which are produced in city-based factories and sold through one or more retailer(s) (the “Collection”) located in New York City.
NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, connections to the fashion industry and ability to marshal industry resources, and financial plan.
24 Hour Toll Free Confidential Compliance Reporting Telephone Hotline, Web Based Reporting and Case Management System Services
November 14, 2014
The New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (“DCAS”)/Asset Management Division (“AM”) is seeking an appropriately qualified Conservator to repair, restore and provide conservation treatment and long-term stabilization of the four (4) large painted murals at the Bronx Courthouse.
This project is subject to MWBE goal, as per Local Law 1 of 2013. By registering your contact information on the form provided at the following web address, http://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.asp, you will be able to view and download a copy of the RFP. Alternatively, a copy of the RFP may be picked up from DCAS at its Office of Citywide Purchasing at One Centre Street, 18th Floor North, New York, NY 10007 between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on regular City business days (Please enter through the South Building). There will be an optional Pre-Proposal Conference and Site Visit on November 19th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at The Bronx Courthouse, 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451.
NY/NY III Non-Emergency Permanent Supportive Congregate Housing for Chronically Homeless Single Adults Living with AIDS or Advanced HIV Illness under the NY/NY III Supportive Housing Agreement
December 19, 2014 – The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is seeking appropriately qualified vendors to operate and maintain the remaining 394 units of permanent supportive congregate housing for chronically homeless single adults who are living with HIV/AIDS and who suffer from a co-occurring serious and persistent mental illness, a substance abuse disorder, or a Mentally Ill Chemical Abuse (MICAS) disorder. This is an “Open-Ended” RFP; therefore, proposals will be accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis until all units covered by this RFP are sited. For more information, click here.
Transitional Residences For Homeless/ Drop-In Centers
December 31, 2015 – The Department of Homeless Services is soliciting proposals from organizations interested in developing and operating transitional residences for homeless adults and families including the Neighborhood Based Cluster Residence and drop-in centers for adults. This is an open-ended solicitation; there is no due date for submission. For more information, click here.