Current RFPs: Week of November 21st, 2014
The following Request for Proposals have been recently issued by City government:
If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities pertaining to procurement, please contact Mark Thompson and Tunisha W. Walker.
The Child Trauma Response Team (CTRT) Project
November 24, 2014-The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) is entering into negotiations with Safe Horizon, Inc. in connection with a demonstration project for a Child Trauma Response Team (CTRT). The CTRT Demonstration Project provides a new, innovative, holistic service for victims of domestic violence and their children. Safe Horizon, Inc. will create and operate the CTRT for a term of three years in the 23rd Precinct, with an anticipated start date of February 1st, 2015. The CTRT will be comprised of Domestic Violence Officers, Assistant District Attorneys and social workers who specialize in child trauma. The CTRT will identify children under the age of 18 who are exposed to severe domestic violence and provide an acute response to the child and caregiver, within 72 hours of the incident. Eligible families will receive a 4-6 session therapeutic intervention including evidence-based mental health treatment, case management and access to Family Justice Center services.
Youth with Severe Emotional, Developmental Disabilities
November 24, 2014-The Administration for Children Services is seeking appropriately qualified vendors to provide Specialized Residential Care Services to youth with complex diagnoses that present with exceptional and severe emotional, developmental and behavioral disabilities. The target population includes children with exceptional and severe emotional, developmental and behavioral disabilities. Male and female youth in this specialized population include one or more of the following:a. Youth with a history of serious developmental disability, psychiatric problems, multiple psychiatric hospitalizations and/or who require multiple medications;b. Youth involved with the criminal or juvenile justice system or Person In Need of Supervision (PINS) system;c. Youth with a history of severe sexual offenses and/or extraordinary sexually acting out behaviors; andd. Youth who exhibit trauma-related behavior in conjunction with substance abuse, cruelty to animals, fire setting; and/or other severe behavioral problems.
Voice and Data Services
December 8, 2014-New York City Department of Education (DOE) is seeking qualified telecommunication vendor(s) to provide voice and data services to approximately 1800 schools across New York City. DOE anticipates that multiple vendors will compete for award in one or multiple Classes of Award. Vendors may bid separately on voice and data components of this bid. The DOE welcomes bids from Tier 1 and Tier 2 vendors and re-sellers of Tier 1 vendor products and facilities. The DOE will accept bids from vendors able to provide data and/or voice services on a citywide basis. If you cannot download this BID, please send an e-mail to VendorHotline@nullschools.nyc.gov with the BID Number and title in the subject line of your e-mail. We strongly encourage vendors to submit questions to clarify any uncertainties you may have about this procurement. Bid amendments may be made based on your questions if they are deemed beneficial and appropriate for this procurement. Use the link stated in the solicitation to submit your questions.
Bid opening date and time: December 2, 2014 at 11 A.M.
Questions due: November 17, 2014 by 5:00 P.M.
The New York City Department of Education (DOE) strives to give all businesses, including Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), an equal opportunity to compete for DOE procurements. The DOE’s mission is to provide equal access to procurement opportunities for all qualified vendors, including MWBEs, from all segments of the community. The DOE works to enhance the ability of MWBEs to compete for contracts. DOE is committed to ensuring that MWBEs fully participate in the procurement process.
Conservation of Four Large Murals at the Bronx Courthouse
December 8, 2014– The New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (“DCAS”)/Asset Management Division (“AM”) is seeking an appropriately qualified Conservator to repair, restore and provide conservation treatment and long-term stabilization of the four (4) large painted murals at the Bronx Courthouse.
This project is subject to MWBE goal, as per Local Law 1 of 2013. By registering your contact information on the form provided at the following web address, http://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.asp, you will be able to view and download a copy of the RFP. Alternatively, a copy of the RFP may be picked up from DCAS at its Office of Citywide Purchasing at One Centre Street, 18th Floor North, New York, NY 10007 between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on regular City business days (Please enter through the South Building). There will be an optional Pre-Proposal Conference and Site Visit on November 19th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at The Bronx Courthouse, 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451.
Citywide Consultant Environmental Services
December 15, 2015-The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), on behalf of the Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE), will release a modified Request for Proposals (RFP) for Universal Prekindergarten Services for 2015-2018 (UPK).The RFP will be for the provision of Full-Day services (6 hours and 20 minutes). Vendors must provide a consistent weekly schedule for a full-day program between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, five days per week for 180 days of the school year. Proposals can be for any area of the City within the five boroughs and 32 community school districts (CSDs).If you are interested in proposing to this RFP, you must pre-qualify with the City’s HHS Accelerator On-Line System in order to download the RFP and submit a proposal.
Universal Prekindergarten Services for 2015-2018
December 15, 2015-The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), on behalf of the Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE), will release a modified Request for Proposals (RFP) for Universal Prekindergarten Services for 2015-2018 (UPK).The RFP will be for the provision of Full-Day services (6 hours and 20 minutes). Vendors must provide a consistent weekly schedule for a full-day program between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, five days per week for 180 days of the school year. Proposals can be for any area of the City within the five boroughs and 32 community school districts (CSDs).If you are interested in proposing to this RFP, you must pre-qualify with the City’s HHS Accelerator On-Line System in order to download the RFP and submit a proposal. The HHS Accelerator can be found here: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhsaccelerator/html/about/about.shtmlIf you have issues pre-qualifying with the HHS Accelerator System, please use the following link to reach the HHS Accelerator support team: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhsaccelerator/html/contact/contact.shtml
NY/NY III Non-Emergency Permanent Supportive Congregate Housing for Chronically Homeless Single Adults Living with AIDS or Advanced HIV Illness under the NY/NY III Supportive Housing Agreement
December 19, 2014 – The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is seeking appropriately qualified vendors to operate and maintain the remaining 394 units of permanent supportive congregate housing for chronically homeless single adults who are living with HIV/AIDS and who suffer from a co-occurring serious and persistent mental illness, a substance abuse disorder, or a Mentally Ill Chemical Abuse (MICAS) disorder. This is an “Open-Ended” RFP; therefore, proposals will be accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis until all units covered by this RFP are sited.
Management and Operations Study and Best Practice Review
December 22, 2014–The Comptroller of The City of New York (the “Comptroller”) is custodian of, and responsible for, the safekeeping of the assets of the five (5) New York City retirement systems (each a “System” and collectively, the “Systems” or “NYCRS”) and related variable and miscellaneous supplemental funds (“Related Funds”). The Comptroller is distributing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to identify a firm with proven capabilities to conduct a management and operations study and best practice review of the Comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management (“BAM”). Such services include: management and operation study of BAM’s divisions; performance analysis report; and a best practice protocol, which will include a gap analysis of all BAM divisions and will describe in detail recommended improvements. Proposals from certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or proposals that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals from small and New York City based businesses are also encouraged.
The RFP will be available for download from the Comptroller’s Web site on or about November 18, 2014. You must register to download a copy of the RFP, which fully describes the scope or work, minimum requirements, and submission procedures. To download the RFP, select “Forms and RFPs” then “RFPs and Solicitations” then “Asset Management RFPs and Solicitation” and click on link provided to “Register”. Questions about the RFP should be transmitted by e-mail to Evelyn Dresler, Director of Asset Management Contracting at bamcontracts@nullcomptroller.nyc.gov by December 3, 2014. Proposals are due December 22, 2014 by 2:00 p.m. (ET).
SMD Strategic Planning and Change Management Consulting Services
December 22, 2014– New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Supply Management Department (SMD), on behalf of NYCHA’s Office of the Chair (the Department), through this Solicitation seeks proposals from proposers to provide NYCHA with various strategic planning and change management consulting services as described in greater detail in Section II of this Solicitation.
The Consultant shall perform the tasks described below on an as-needed non-exclusive basis as requested in writing from an authorized representative of the Department. NYCHA reserves the right to have the Consultant perform some, or all, of the Services concurrently. The Services shall consist of the Consultant providing guidance and recommendations, and its proposed timeline for completing the Services, to NYCHA on, among other things, as described in Section II of the RFP.
Prospective Proposers are encouraged to submit written questions to NYCHA’s Coordinator, Meddy Ghabaee at Meddy.Ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov, via e-mail no later than 2 p.m. on December 5, 2014. Questions submitted must include the prospective Proposer’s name as well as the name, title, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the individual to whom responses to the questions should be given. All responses will be posted on NYCHA’s Advanced Procurement System iSupplier within five business days.
Interested firms are invited to obtain a copy on NYCHAs website: Doing Business With NYCHA. Http://www.nyc.gov/nychabusiness; Select-Selling to NYCHA. Vendors are instructed to access the Getting Started: Register or Log-in link. If you have supplied goods or services to NYCHA in the past and you have your log-in credentials, click-Returning iSupplier users, Log-in here. If you do not have your log-in credentials, select-Request a Log-in ID. Upon access, select-Sourcing Supplier then-Sourcing Homepage; conduct a search for RFP number 61758. Proposers electing to obtain a non-electronic paper document will be subject to a $25 non-refundable fee; payable to NYCHA by USPS-Money Order/ Certified Check only for each set of RFP documents requested. Remit payment to NYCHA Finance Department @ 90 Church Street/6th Floor; obtain receipt and present it to the Supply Management Procurement Group; RFP package will be generated at time of request.
Each Proposer is required to submit one (1) signed original and five (5) copies of its Proposal package. The original must be clearly labeled. If there are any differences between the original and any of the copies, the material in the signed original will prevail.
Long Island City RAMPS
December 22, 2014– New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), on behalf of the City of New York, is requesting proposals to purchase certain excess development rights related to three properties located under the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge on and off ramps within Long Island City, Queens, New York.
NYCEDC plans to select a developer on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality and feasibility of the proposal, response team qualifications, the proposal’s economic impact on New York City, proposed affordable housing program and purchase price.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Program Plan with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visit http://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on NYCEDC construction projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, labor, supplies and equipment. Bidders/subcontractors are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
Respondents may submit questions and/or request clarifications from NYCEDC no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2014. Questions regarding the subject matter of this RFP should be directed to LongIslandCityRAMPS@nullnycedc.com. For all questions that do not pertain to the subject matter of this RFP please contact NYCEDC’s Contracts Hotline at (212) 312-3969. Answers to all questions will be posted by Monday, December 8, 2014, to www.nycedc.com/RFP.
Transitional Residences For Homeless/ Drop-In Centers
December 31, 2015 – The Department of Homeless Services is soliciting proposals from organizations interested in developing and operating transitional residences for homeless adults and families including the Neighborhood Based Cluster Residence and drop-in centers for adults. This is an open-ended solicitation; there is no due date for submission.