City Council Public Hearing Schedule: Week of September 25- September 29


City Council Public Hearing Schedule New York City NYC


Committee on Transportation        


1:00 PM

Committee Room – City Hall


Committee on Environmental Protection  


1:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall


Committee on Contracts      


9:30 AM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Requiring city agencies to accept procurement invoices electronically.


Committee on Finance        


10:00 AM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.


Committee on Health           


10:00 AM

Council Chambers – City Hall


Committee on Land Use      


11:00 AM

Committee Room – City Hall


Committee on Recovery and Resiliency     


1:00 PM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Oversight – Build it Back Enrollment


Committee on Fire and Criminal Justice Services 


1:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall

Oversight – High Rise Fires And What New York City Can Learn From the London Tragedy.


Committee on Finance        


10:00 AM

Committee Room – City Hall


City Council Stated Meeting


1:30 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall


Committee on Youth Services         


10:00 AM

Council Chambers – City Hall

Jointly with the Committee on General Welfare


Committee on General Welfare      


10:00 AM

Council Chambers – City Hall

Jointly with the Committee on Youth Services


Committee on Civil Rights   


1:00 PM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.

Oversight – Examining the rise in discriminatory harassment claims received by the Commission on Human Rights.


Committee on Governmental Operations


1:00 PM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Oversight – Agency Responses to Failures to Pay Civil Penalties: The Implementation of Local Law 47 of 2016.


Committee on Governmental Operations  


1:00 PM

250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Oversight – Agency Responses to Failures to Pay Civil Penalties: The Implementation of Local Law 47 of 2016.

See All Meetings and Download Agendas

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