City Council Public Hearing Schedule: Week of December 14 – December 18


New York City Council Seal

Committee on Recovery and Resiliency (Jointly with the Committee on Environmental Protection)
Monday, December 14, 10:00 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall
Oversight – OneNYC – Review of the City’s Resiliency and Sustainability Plans. 

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses
Monday, December 14, 11:00 AM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.

Committee on Veterans
Monday, December 14, 1:30 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Committee on Governmental Operations
Monday, December 14, 1:00 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Committee on Women’s Issues (Jointly with the Committee on Contracts and the Committee on Small Business)
Monday, December 14, 1:00 PM
Council Chambers – City Hall

Committee on Transportation
Tuesday, December 15, 10:00 AM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations (Jointly with the Committee on Immigration)
Tuesday, December 15, 10:45 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall
Oversight – IDNYC and the Cultural Institutions Group

Committee on Land Use
Tuesday, December 15, 11:00 AM
Committee Room – City Hall

Committee on Public Housing
Tuesday, December 15, 1:00 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.
Oversight – Examining NYCHA’s Compliance with HUD’s Admissions Regulations and New Permanent Exclusion Policy.

Committee on Fire and Criminal Justice Services (Jointly with the Committee on Women’s Issues)
Tuesday, December 15, 1:00 PM
Council Chambers – City Hall

Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections
Tuesday, December 15, 1:00 PM
Committee Room – City Hall

Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections (Continuation of the December 15, 2015 – Recessed Meeting)
Wednesday, December 16, 10:30 AM
Committee Room – City Hall

City Council Stated Meeting
Wednesday, December 16, 1:30 PM
Council Chambers – City Hall

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