City Council Public Hearing Schedule: Week of April 20 – April 24


New York City Council Seal


Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations
Monday, April 20, 10:00 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall

Committee on Technology
Monday, April 20, 10:00 AM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Committee on Civil Service and Labor (Jointly with the Committee on Women’s Issues)
Monday, April 20, 1:00 PM
Council Chambers – City Hall

Committee on Economic Development
Tuesday, April 21, 10:00 AM
Committee Room – City Hall
Oversight – The Economic Impact of the Federal Export-Import Bank in New York City.

Committee on Health
Tuesday, April 21, 10:00 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall

Committee on Housing and Buildings (Jointly with the Committee on Contracts)
Tuesday, April 21, 1:00 PM
Council Chambers – City Hall
Oversight – The Mayor’s Housing Plan: Contractor Employment Practices and Accountability

Committee on Public Housing
Wednesday, April 22, 10:00 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall
Oversight – NYCHA’s Permanent Exclusion Policies and Practices

Committee on Parks and Recreation
Wednesday, April 22, 1:00 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises
Thursday, April 23, 9:30 AM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.

Committee on Aging (Jointly with the Committee on Transportation and the Committee on Mental Health, Developmental Disability, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Disability Services)
Thursday, April 23, 10:00 AM
Council Chambers – City Hall
Oversight – Transportation Services for Seniors and People with Disabilities in New York City

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses
Thursday, April 23, 11:00 AM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.

Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions
Thursday, April 23, 1:00 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Fl.

Committee on Contracts
Thursday, April 23, 1:00 PM
250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 14th Fl.




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