Fair Futures wanted to:
Raise public funding to provide coaches for youth in and aging out of foster care
Challenges Fair Futures faced
They needed to create a broad coalition of champions and develop a multifaceted advocacy campaign to secure funds from New York City. The funding would allow for a highly successful model involving coaching and tutoring to be expanded to all young people in and aging out of foster care up to age 26. To fully implement the model, Fair Futures needs a $50 million annual investment.
Capalino Assisted with
- Social impact
- Strategy
- Community relations
- Budget advocacy
- Strategic communications
What we got done
Capalino helped build a coalition of over 100 nonprofits, child welfare agencies, foundations, advocates and young people to raise the profile of Fair Futures. The coalition met with dozens of elected and appointed officials, held rallies, testified at hearings and elevated the voices of young people in care. To date, Fair Futures has secured $30.7 million to begin implementing the model, and its champions in government have called for a ramp-up to the full $50 million. This investment would make New York the first in the nation to offer long-term, wraparound support for foster youth from middle school until the age of 26.